Thread 'Designtate different projects for CPU and GPU?'

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Joined: 8 Jan 09
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Message 22463 - Posted: 15 Jan 2009, 18:21:09 UTC

Are there plans to add the ability to designtate that the CPU's run one project, and the GPU's run another? I would like to let my CPUs run NON-CUDA work while my nVidia GPUs run CUDA work from a different project. I'd prefer this over simply alternating between projects since this way each type of processor can simultaneously work on what it's best suited for non-stop.
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Message 22464 - Posted: 15 Jan 2009, 19:44:16 UTC - in response to Message 22463.  

That is the default set up for BOINC. For example, you run Seti CUDA and Einstein.

Then you can run:
CUDA Seti Enhanced Multibeam + Seti Astropulse on CPU.
CUDA Seti Enhanced Multibeam + Another project, in this case Einstein on CPU.

At this moment you cannot run CUDA Seti Enhanced Multibeam + Seti Enhanced Multibeam on the CPU as BOINC is unable to differentiate between the two applications. As long as they are named the same way, there will be a problem.
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Message 22487 - Posted: 16 Jan 2009, 17:42:31 UTC
Last modified: 16 Jan 2009, 17:57:42 UTC

I think it is more that the task needs to be designated as a CPU and/or GPU task, and that it should be switchable from one to the other.

I presently Beta testing Seti@home 6.08 Cuda, my PC is a Dual Core Laptop with Windows Vista 32Bit, Boinc 6.4.5, and a 8400M GS with 128Mb, (179.28)
I am using an app_info to over come a server side restriction on slow GPU's, but because my GPU doesn't have enough ram, (255Mb needed),
it goes into CPU fallback mode, and runs on the CPU instead (but slowly, no optimisations yet), that means on this dual core, i have two cpu tasks running,
and a GPU task that is really a CPU task!, because of this i've had to use a cc_config.xml file to limit my CPU's available to one, so running one CPU and one GPU on a CPU task.
But this version of Boinc acts strange, this afternoon it decided to now only use one core, ie Seti Beta, if you suspend that project it then goes into high priorty on lhc@home,
and to get it to run on two cores again you have to set the cc_config.xml back to two, so now it's running lhc and Einstein both normally without a GPU on CPU fallback task running.

Boinc should be aware enough that a GPU task might end up running on the CPU instead, and make allowances for it, so doesn't try and run too many tasks on the CPU, or too few.

ID: 22487 · Report as offensive

Message boards : BOINC client : Designtate different projects for CPU and GPU?

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