Thread 'Benchmarks lower with 6.2.14'

Message boards : BOINC client : Benchmarks lower with 6.2.14
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Message 19265 - Posted: 6 Aug 2008, 23:36:27 UTC - in response to Message 19264.  

If you install from repository, the installer creates a new user and group named boinc. The project apps run on the boinc user account. Boinc user has no root privileges and he can't touch any of your files. BOINC user can only read and write to the BOINC data directory. Your complaint is that you can't touch any files that belong to boinc user. Well, you can read them but you can't write to them. However, if you make your username part of the boinc group and change the permissions on files in the BOINC data dir to allow all members of boinc group to read and write boinc user's files and alter boinc user's directories then it's much more convenient for you yet still very secure because even though you're part of boinc group, boinc user is not part of your group so he can't write to your files or alter your directories.

LOL ... I'll turn this over to my Lawyer & see if he can make anything of it ... :)
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Message 19272 - Posted: 7 Aug 2008, 11:09:10 UTC

Well after messing around with the Permissions on 1 Box & costing myself about 8 hr's of processing plus 4 Toasted Wu's because either Linux or Boinc didn't like something I did I've finally realized that I did have Permissions to Edit or delete the Boinc Files all along because the Synaptic Manager makes you part of the Boinc Group when it installs Boinc.

The only thing is with the Synaptic Installation you can look at most files but unlike the /home/xxxxxxx/BOINC you can't do anything with them (Edit-Delete or whatever) unless you 1'st give yourself Ownership Permissions to that particular File or Folder through the Terminal.

Something I've noticed as kinda weird is with the Synaptic Package Manager Boinc Installation, when you open up the Linux System Manager it shows the Resources @ 100% Usage with Boinc running. But it doesn't show the Wu's running or the Boinc exec running, it shows the Boincmgr as being open when you open it though.

Under the /home/xxxxxxx/BOINC Installation the System Manager will show the Wu's & Boinc exec running plus the Boincmgr too ...
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Message 19281 - Posted: 7 Aug 2008, 13:34:37 UTC

Not really sure if any of those commands really work because in the end with the Synaptic Boinc Installation I still have to specifically give myself ownership & or Permissions to each Folder & or File to do anything to them.

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Chris Sutton

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Message 19296 - Posted: 7 Aug 2008, 21:16:33 UTC - in response to Message 19281.  

Not really sure if any of those commands really work because in the end with the Synaptic Boinc Installation I still have to specifically give myself ownership & or Permissions to each Folder & or File to do anything to them.

Now you've piqued my curiosity. Which files you are needing to edit. Is it constant editing, or just a once-off type of thing?
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Message 19297 - Posted: 7 Aug 2008, 21:29:58 UTC - in response to Message 19296.  
Last modified: 7 Aug 2008, 21:34:29 UTC

Not really sure if any of those commands really work because in the end with the Synaptic Boinc Installation I still have to specifically give myself ownership & or Permissions to each Folder & or File to do anything to them.

Now you've piqued my curiosity. Which files you are needing to edit. Is it constant editing, or just a once-off type of thing?

I could tell you Chris but then I would have to Kill You ... hahahahaha ...;)

LOL ... I really don't need to Edit any file ATM, but I would like to see what the gui_rpc_auth.cfg for the Boinc Installation is without having to jump through Hoops to do it, when you have Double Digit Box's to tend to & need certain info in order to use BoincView or other Programs it can get tiresome spending an untold amount of time typing commands that may or may not get you into the files or folders. ... :)
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Message 19338 - Posted: 8 Aug 2008, 14:07:09 UTC - in response to Message 19329.  

Not really sure if any of those commands really work because in the end with the Synaptic Boinc Installation I still have to specifically give myself ownership & or Permissions to each Folder & or File to do anything to them.

Did you put your username in the boinc group? Giving boinc group members read/write permission won't help if you're not a member of boinc group. See Installing on Linux. The section on Fedora 7/8/9 has everything you need. I made the Ubuntu section separate from Fedora because I didn't know how Ubuntu worked. Now it seems they are sufficiently similar that the same install method, tips and commands apply to both.

I have no idea what I've done or not done, I've had so many Commands thrown at me that it's gotten to the point of mass confusion on whats working or not working. Sensory (Brain) overload I guess you could call it ... :)
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Chris Sutton

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Message 19392 - Posted: 9 Aug 2008, 18:05:03 UTC - in response to Message 19297.  

I really don't need to Edit any file ATM, but I would like to see what the gui_rpc_auth.cfg for the Boinc Installation is without having to jump through Hoops to do it, when you have Double Digit Box's to tend to & need certain info in order to use BoincView or other Programs it can get tiresome spending an untold amount of time typing commands that may or may not get you into the files or folders. ... :)

I hear your pain. :) Here's some food for thought. I'll just describe the concept, implementation would be an exercise for the reader when time and experience permits.

Set up an nfs export of /etc/boinc-client on one of your ubuntu boxes (Think windows share). By default this contains the gui_rpc_auth.cfg and remote_hosts.cfg.
Mount this export as /etc/boinc-client on all your other boxes (Think all boxes using the same share).

With no other system changes, when you edit the files in one place the changes are automatically available to all boxes. No need to visit each one any more.

[tutor mode on]
A lot of linux packages separate their configuration files, binary files (executables) documentation and data files in the same manner as the BOINC package does. To new linux users, it's not always obvious why. Apart from the obvious benefits of localised data for backup and fast re-installations there are subtle benefits such as indicated above.
[tutor mode off]

Different is not right/wrong, just different. :)
ID: 19392 · Report as offensive
ProfileJoseph Stateson
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Message 19712 - Posted: 23 Aug 2008, 11:29:15 UTC

I have the same problem on an AMD 64bit Ubuntu system - just upgraded from 5.10.45 to 6.2.15 and a huge drop in benchmark and estimated credit/CPU-hour performance occurred.

Pair Opteron 270 dual core 64bit on
version fp imip
------- ---- ----
5.10.45 2020 5975
6.2.15 1750 4093

According to boincview my credit/hour dropped from 63 to 48 which puts it in the performance range of 4 athlon 2800+ MPs instead of 4 opteron 2200 CPUs. BV shows estimated credits/hour, not actual.

While I was scratching my head over this, I noticed that I had a string of 8 SETI client errors in a row, 6 of them while still on 5.10.45, I am hoping that was a coincidence as 4 of those client errors were duplicated in other users systems.

I am still debugging my new (assembled from old ebay parts) system and only recently installed the I32 libs which fixed client errors with 32bit apps. I have 10 systems running and this one is the only one I am having problems with. It is (so far) the only 64 bit one.

I downloaded the 6.2.15, did a chown root on the binaries and moved them into the bin directory. I renamed the old 5.10.45 boinc binaries and may go back to them if the actual credit/cpu-sec is lower.
Joseph "Beemer Biker" Stateson
ID: 19712 · Report as offensive
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Message boards : BOINC client : Benchmarks lower with 6.2.14

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