Thread 'Remote display with BOINC 6.2.14'

Message boards : BOINC client : Remote display with BOINC 6.2.14
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Palo M.

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Message 18956 - Posted: 31 Jul 2008, 8:33:26 UTC

I use only BOINC-client on my Linux machine. And I use both BOINC-client and BOINC-manager on my Windows machine (all is currently 6.2.14). From Windows machine I connect to Linux BOINC via network and it works fine... except for graphics applications using v6 graphics the "hybrid" way.
When I want to show graphics (which is VERY useful for CPDN-beta, to track the status of those long WUs), there is a dialogue "Do you want do display graphics on remote machine?" but even if I choose "Yes", the new window with graphics does not show. BTW, startup script for BOINC on Linux machine exports DISPLAY (set correctly to the Windows machine X-server display). It just does not do anything, like I would not start graphics.

Now, some funny things:

  • Graphics for BOINC on Windows works perfectly (both on-demand and screensaver).
  • With all v5 stuff (BOINC and applications were all v5) before, the graphics display the same way worked perfectly (as long as DISPLAY was set and X-server running)
  • With v5 graphics applications, it still works now. Well, I do not have any v5 graphics tasks running now, but it surely worked for CPDN-beta v5 hadrm-spinups few weeks ago. This was probably on v6.2.4, 6.2.8 or 6.2.11, I do not remember clearly.
  • When I tried to start BOINC-manager on Linux machine (displaying to Windows machine over X-Windows), the graphics works - for the same tasks which are not working the other way (BOINC-manager on Windows). So graphics seem to work locally on Linux (remote X-display is not related to BOINC anyway).

So, to me it seems that setting of DISPLAY variable (sufficient to v5 graphics), is not enough for v6 graphics... Maybe v6 API does not tell to the graphics-application correctly the DISPLAY (just my guess)?
Does anybody know, how to make it work?

ID: 18956 · Report as offensive
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Message 18958 - Posted: 31 Jul 2008, 9:04:26 UTC - in response to Message 18956.  

The remote graphics option is broken. I've had a bug tracking ticket out for it since I found it out. It won't be fixed until BOINC 6.4 comes along (with all new RPCs).
ID: 18958 · Report as offensive
Palo M.

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Message 18962 - Posted: 31 Jul 2008, 9:33:34 UTC - in response to Message 18958.  

The remote graphics option is broken. I've had a bug tracking ticket out for it since I found it out. It won't be fixed until BOINC 6.4 comes along (with all new RPCs).

I see.
For my usage the v5 way fits perfectly, as graphics is really running on remote Linux, just display is on Windows via X.
Till now I thought that the change v5->v6 graphics was only splitting the science computation and graphics part... It's strange to me that BOINC-client is not used to start graphics-app. With Manager directly starting graphics-app, there's really no way to do it remotely :-(.
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Message 19004 - Posted: 31 Jul 2008, 22:53:10 UTC - in response to Message 18958.  

(with all new RPCs).

6.4 won't have new RPCs. It will just have a new way to do RPCs that doesn't hang the client (using ugly new code, and duplicating what I've been working on for the past month).
ID: 19004 · Report as offensive

Message boards : BOINC client : Remote display with BOINC 6.2.14

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