Thread 'Simple typo in Client'

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Message 18678 - Posted: 20 Jul 2008, 20:46:34 UTC

Hi all,

Just downloaded the client. I found an easy typo in the help box that pops up when the cursor is hovered above the "Leave at least" under Disk and memory Usage. >Gigagytes< sounds cute mind you!

Also, how can i clear the override times for the days of the week under processor usage? I have unique times set for the weekend however when i untick the boxes and OK out of the screen, the settings are not saved and appear enabled again when i re-enter the preferences screen.

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Message 18680 - Posted: 20 Jul 2008, 21:17:34 UTC - in response to Message 18678.  

Hi all,

Just downloaded the client. I found an easy typo in the help box that pops up when the cursor is hovered above the "Leave at least" under Disk and memory Usage. >Gigagytes< sounds cute mind you!

Thanks, I reported it to the developers.

Also, how can i clear the override times for the days of the week under processor usage?

Normally by unchecking them.
I just tested it on my systems (two different ones both running 6.2.14) and here I just uncheck them and click OK. Upon reloading the BM preferences they stay unchecked.

You can always use the main Clear button to clear out the whole of the prefs.
Else, go into your BOINC Data directory, find the global_prefs_override.xml file and edit it with Notepad (or something similar), then take out the everything from <day_prefs> to </day_prefs>, save the file and restart BOINC.
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Message 18681 - Posted: 20 Jul 2008, 21:29:01 UTC
Last modified: 20 Jul 2008, 21:31:49 UTC


Thanks for your post.

Yup, i would have thought so too, but it seems that when runing as a service it required a restart for the changes to take effect.

I found that when enabling the feature, the changes are instant, but disabling once enabled requires a restart as above.

No biggie really.


Edit: My spelling needs checking too!
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Message 18684 - Posted: 20 Jul 2008, 22:31:38 UTC - in response to Message 18681.  

it seems that when runing as a service it required a restart for the changes to take effect.

Not for me. I have BOINC running as a service on both systems, can manage the remote system from this computer. Really tried it on both systems, I can add restrictions and also disable them without needing a restart of the client.

It sounds more like a restriction of permissions on your system.
Let me ask the general questions:
1. Which BOINC version?
2. Installed how? (Protected, unprotected, for all users or you only?)
3. Which Windows version?
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Message 18687 - Posted: 20 Jul 2008, 22:57:52 UTC - in response to Message 18680.  

Hi all,

Just downloaded the client. I found an easy typo in the help box that pops up when the cursor is hovered above the "Leave at least" under Disk and memory Usage. >Gigagytes< sounds cute mind you!

Thanks, I reported it to the developers.

It's been fixed already: [trac]changeset:15640[/trac]
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Message 18688 - Posted: 20 Jul 2008, 23:06:38 UTC - in response to Message 18684.  

Not for me. I have BOINC running as a service on both systems, can manage the remote system from this computer. Really tried it on both systems, I can add restrictions and also disable them without needing a restart of the client.

Interesring. Something else must be playing up then. I just confirmed that i definately need to restart the service for this change only to take effect. All else seems fine.
1. Which BOINC version?

2. Installed how? (Protected, unprotected, for all users or you only?

Installed via admin rights for me only. Not certain what you mean by protected/unprotected[/quote]
3. Which Windows version?

Server 2003 RC2.

However, the only significance i can think of atm is that i was configuring it under terminal services/RDP. It might be possible that this causes the above behaviour but will need to test in a little while to be sure.

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Message 18689 - Posted: 20 Jul 2008, 23:08:13 UTC - in response to Message 18687.  

Hi all,

Just downloaded the client. I found an easy typo in the help box that pops up when the cursor is hovered above the "Leave at least" under Disk and memory Usage. >Gigagytes< sounds cute mind you!

Thanks, I reported it to the developers.

It's been fixed already: [trac]changeset:15640[/trac]

Impressive indeed!

There seems to be quite a number of other fixes, so was this a chance to update other bugs since last release? Or, am i misreading it and the fix requires all those changes?

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Message 18690 - Posted: 20 Jul 2008, 23:23:12 UTC - in response to Message 18688.  
Last modified: 20 Jul 2008, 23:27:44 UTC


2. Installed how? (Protected, unprotected, for all users or you only?

Installed via admin rights for me only. Not certain what you mean by protected/unprotected

Ah, my mistake. I was thinking in BOINC 6.2 style already.
In your case it can be permission problems. Are you also running BOINC as admin?
Do you have all read&write rights/permissions on the BOINC directory?

Do know that BOINC 5.10.45 is no longer in development, we're gearing up towards the release of 6.2, so I think you'd best try with the latest test release client 6.2.14 if you can still replicate this behaviour. Do know that the installation process has changed considerably. See this FAQ for the walk-through.

If you can replicate it, I'll throw it in the lap of the developers.
Do know that 6.2 cannot be installed on a domain controller. That option will be available again in 6.4 (they hope).
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Message 18691 - Posted: 20 Jul 2008, 23:24:38 UTC - in response to Message 18689.  

There seems to be quite a number of other fixes, so was this a chance to update other bugs since last release? Or, am i misreading it and the fix requires all those changes?

Probably other fixes mixed in as well. It's very doubtful that the notification pop-up needs that many changes. But hey, I bet we've both seen worse... we both use Windows... :-D
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Message 18693 - Posted: 21 Jul 2008, 0:00:10 UTC - in response to Message 18690.  
Last modified: 21 Jul 2008, 0:14:42 UTC

Ah, my mistake. I was thinking in BOINC 6.2 style already.
In your case it can be permission problems. Are you also running BOINC as admin?
Do you have all read&write rights/permissions on the BOINC directory?

Thanks for the info Jord.

Yes, installation was carried out under admin login credentials with full rights to the folders. I just logged into the server via console (well, VNC tbh) and the glitch remains unfortunately. I might be barking up the wrong tree with RDP being used but i suspect that since the installation was carried out via RDP it may have hampered the installation somehow. Maybe i'll try a reinstall over the exiting installation to see if that helps when next logged into the console.

Do know that BOINC 5.10.45 is no longer in development, we're gearing up towards the release of 6.2, so I think you'd best try with the latest test release client 6.2.14 if you can still replicate this behaviour. Do know that the installation process has changed considerably. See this FAQ for the walk-through.

If you can replicate it, I'll throw it in the lap of the developers.
Do know that 6.2 cannot be installed on a domain controller. That option will be available again in 6.4 (they hope).

Ah, this may pose a problem. Yes it's a backup DC and this will likely put a spanner in the works from what you say. 6.2 doesn't sound like a logical jump from 5.10.xx so was there a version in-between that would work on a DC that is more recent?

I'll have a look now if there is an archives section with all the versions to choose from.


EDIT: Guess not :( . Just had a look and those seem the only versions currently available. I guess it's not such a problem knowing that there is a work around but would keep an eye our for 6.4 i suppose.
ID: 18693 · Report as offensive

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Message 18694 - Posted: 21 Jul 2008, 0:11:48 UTC - in response to Message 18691.  

There seems to be quite a number of other fixes, so was this a chance to update other bugs since last release? Or, am i misreading it and the fix requires all those changes?

Probably other fixes mixed in as well. It's very doubtful that the notification pop-up needs that many changes.

I would have thought so too.

But hey, I bet we've both seen worse... we both use Windows... :-D

:) Indeed!

What is it they say? Can't live with it - can't live without it. No wait that's for women!

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Message 18696 - Posted: 21 Jul 2008, 0:26:00 UTC - in response to Message 18693.  

6.2 doesn't sound like a logical jump from 5.10.xx so was there a version in-between that would work on a DC that is more recent?

I'll have a look now if there is an archives section with all the versions to choose from.

Sorry to change your post around, but let me explain this first.
5.10 was the last of the old style installations. With the new style installations comes a new major number, so the next BOINC is a 6.

Development versions always have an odd middle number, so 6.1.1, 6.3.15, 6.5.28 etc.
We're coming up on a stable client by now, so the development moved to the release versions with the even middle number.

The last number is always the release version, with all the bug fixes and changes added.

As far as I can research there is no version 6.1 or 6.2 that can be installed on a domain controller. The problem is that the new BOINC makes its own accounts to run under. The DC prohibits this, no matter what super admin mode you're in.

But I'll ask one of the developers if you want me to.
Maybe i'll try a reinstall over the exiting installation to see if that helps when next logged into the console.

I don't think that will fix things.

But if I understand you completely, you're logging in remotely on that server through a terminal window. Why don't you use the remote_hosts.cfg/gui_rpc_auth.cfg options and then use BOINC Manager->Advanced view->Advanced->Select computer to manage that computer?

But I'll walk you through it anyway.

Go to the remote computer's BOINC directory and edit the gui_rpc_auth.cfg file. In it you'll find a 32 character key. Delete it and add your own easy to remember password. Don't hit Enter at the end, just type the password, then save the file.

Now make a file called remote_hosts.cfg and edit that.
Add into it the IP address or network name of your computer (the one you control this computer from remotely).
Save this file.

Stop the remote BOINC. (Start->Run, type net stop boinc, click OK)
Restart the remote BOINC. (Start->Run, type net start boinc, click OK)

Open BOINC Manager on your own computer, you can even open another one if you're using the one on your own computer already. There's no limit on amount of BOINC Managers you can open. Advanced view->Advanced->Select computer, fill in the IP address or network name of the remote computer, fill in the password you set. Click OK.

That should do it. Even through VPN.
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Message 18790 - Posted: 23 Jul 2008, 22:34:01 UTC - in response to Message 18696.  

6.2 doesn't sound like a logical jump from 5.10.xx so was there a version in-between that would work on a DC that is more recent?

5.10 was the last of the old style installations. [...] As far as I can research there is no version 6.1 or 6.2 that can be installed on a domain controller. The problem is that the new BOINC makes its own accounts to run under. The DC prohibits this, no matter what super admin mode you're in.

Would creating the users manually (on Primary DC?) prior to (or after) the installation solve the problem? Or would the installer fail anyway (and reverse the installation), as it would not be able to set passwords?

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Message 18791 - Posted: 23 Jul 2008, 23:08:36 UTC - in response to Message 18790.  
Last modified: 23 Jul 2008, 23:08:48 UTC

The exact how/what/where I don't understand but perhaps that you can gleam the answers off of ticket [trac]#652[/trac].
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Message 18941 - Posted: 30 Jul 2008, 20:45:46 UTC - in response to Message 18689.  

There seems to be quite a number of other fixes, so was this a chance to update other bugs since last release? Or, am i misreading it and the fix requires all those changes?

In every other change, he puts in a bunch of unrelated changes to Bossa :/
ID: 18941 · Report as offensive

Message boards : BOINC client : Simple typo in Client

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