Thread 'delete . . . and create 3 Universes'

Message boards : The Lounge : delete . . . and create 3 Universes
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ProfileJan Henrik

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Message 106316 - Posted: 6 Dec 2021, 3:52:07 UTC
Last modified: 6 Dec 2021, 4:02:05 UTC

during this years Aljoschen-CONtest* I decided for a GDPR-compliance-test

deleted one of my zombies . . . and conjured up 3 alternates . . .

the project did fine since Einstein@Home is run well, but then there are . . .

the third party stats aggregation websites;

1st timeline:

in the BOINC-STATS-Universe I never had this account (as expected)

2nd timeline:

in the Free-DC-Universe I never deleted this account

3rd timeline(my favorite):

in the BCS-Universe I created some anonymous account, not just long before BOINC and SETI started, but before I was even born!

Yes! Here I have an anonymous prenatal account;

I thank the stats aggregators for their help in demonstrating that alternate universes, time travel and prenatal activity is highly improbable but not impossible.

Just leave it that way. It’s beautiful. Like eating a cake and having it. Let things go, give away and be rewarded. Less is more.


* our local version of a Dirk Gently type holistic navigation challenge
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ID: 106316 · Report as offensive
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Message 106322 - Posted: 6 Dec 2021, 8:25:15 UTC - in response to Message 106316.  

Usernames are not unique in the BOINC universe, we can all be called Jan Henrik. The unique identifier used is the email address.

Since Einstein went the Drupal way for their content management systems, and then their main developer left, a lot of their content cannot be found (try doing a search on their pages for anything recent). As far as I know last time I was there it showed me as being a member since 1-1-1970, so the export is probably an artefact of that. Tell them.
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ProfileJan Henrik

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Message 106330 - Posted: 6 Dec 2021, 17:28:54 UTC - in response to Message 106322.  
Last modified: 6 Dec 2021, 17:31:49 UTC

. . . The unique identifier used is the email address.

So is the CPUID and Project-UIDs. I thought the stats-aggregators use those.

Whatever Username or email address, is kinda of topic. But correct me if I'm wrong.

And if the problem would be Einstein@Home why did BOINC-STATS got it right then right away?

After the delete there should be no data at all(correct before or not).

So BCS corrected it and I think Free-DC is working on it and that was the purpose of this test.

Iron out the bugs if we find them(and not particularly me, my Username or email address).
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Les Bayliss
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Message 106332 - Posted: 6 Dec 2021, 19:05:38 UTC - in response to Message 106330.  

You're confusing stats sites with project sites.

When you join a project, you're email address is the ID.
Then the project creates a Cross-project ID for you.
Which will be different for each project.

When a stats site collects data from each project, it can get and use what it wants.
They use the Cross-project ID to identify you for THAT project, and the name associated with that c-pID goes with it.
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ProfileJan Henrik

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Message 106340 - Posted: 7 Dec 2021, 16:36:40 UTC - in response to Message 106332.  

OK then, this is going of topic, time for a little thread maintenance;

this image obviously caused some CONfusion as to be the main topic:

I shared this snap because the date on there was just funny - that's why the pointer and that's it. Side issue.
[kinda perplexed why this got so much attention and all else is ignored]

The main point I was trying to make is that there should have been nothing at all. (No matter what Username, CPUID or PUID or even the date, however funny)
They fixed it now, it's gone on that site. So we can forget about it and come back to the main topic;

project account deletion and how it works through the stats-sites

You're confusing stats sites with project sites.

No I'm not. Otherwise I couldn't even have come up with the idea of this test.
The distinction of project versus stats-sites and between stats-sites is exactly the point of this test, pertaining to account deletion.
The topic here is not "Username CPUID PUID" and whatever happens when an account is created. The topic is deletion.
Username, CPUID, PUID etc. should not matter here since that all should be gone after deletion of that account.[of course CPUID still there for the other accounts]

here is my update how it worked so far:

1. the project: delete request -> verification email -> deletion promptly executed -> done!

2. BOINC-STATS: deletion signal decoded -> deletion promptly executed -> done!

3. BCS(netsoft): (with some entertaining delay) deletion signal decoded -> deletion promptly executed -> done!

4. Free-DC: . . . yeah; couldn't manage to decode the deletion signal so far . . .

So now I'm down from 3 alternate Universes to 2 . . . I keep you posted . . .
"less than a pixel"
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ProfileGary Charpentier

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Message 106351 - Posted: 8 Dec 2021, 4:39:10 UTC - in response to Message 106340.  

You do realize the stats sites don't have to delete, the request wasn't made to them.
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ProfileJan Henrik

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Message 106369 - Posted: 9 Dec 2021, 22:12:08 UTC - in response to Message 106351.  

You do realize the stats sites don't have to delete, the request wasn't made to them.

As I see it; the request was made through the project and 2 could manage to read it from the project output. It's obviously not a mars mission.

One more clarification;

This thread is not a help request it's just a test and maybe a discussion on results.(that's why the Lounge not Q&P)
I'm sorry if I startled helpers unnecessarily. I don't think many are interested in account deletion.(that's why the Lounge)

The only goal here: see what happens . . .

Now obviously the (Drupal?)output from the project led initially to 3 different results, now down to 2.
I didn't and will not make requests to stats-sites directly. I don't have accounts there.
They can present themself however they want, for everyone to see, fine with me.
My personal preference is most up to date like BOINC STATS right away and BCS later on.
If Free-DC just couldn't decode the output from the project or not yet, or deliberately likes to host zombie-data, their choice to make, not mine.

So; at this timestamp there are still 2 alternates. (I ate the cake and still have it)


Now if anyone has the time for it, I have 2 Questions to those that participate in many more projects than me;

How many projects even offer a "share data or not"-option?
How many projects offer a delete option?

Thanks in advance.
"less than a pixel"
ID: 106369 · Report as offensive
ProfileGary Charpentier

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Message 106370 - Posted: 10 Dec 2021, 2:30:35 UTC - in response to Message 106369.  

Now if anyone has the time for it, I have 2 Questions to those that participate in many more projects than me;

How many projects even offer a "share data or not"-option?
How many projects offer a delete option?

If Jord doesn't kill me, I've put my .sig on this.
You will note that there are projects that no longer exist where my credit displays. Rather obviously those don't have a delete option, other than contacting the stats site per EU regulations with the request.

Delete was not a server side option for many years in the BOINC server code. It wasn't until a figurative gun was put to the head of [DA] that he figured out a delete was possible. However it isn't a delete. AFIK all it does is remove your user name, email, CPID's and replace them with a delete flag value. Your user ID number and all the crunch data is still preserved. So, if the project hasn't updated the version of the server they are running there is no delete, if they have, they have to have enabled it. Since a lot of projects are somehow affiliated with an institution in the EU most have delete.
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Message 106372 - Posted: 10 Dec 2021, 6:05:14 UTC - in response to Message 106370.  

CPDN will set the delete flag automagically after a long enough period of inactivity.

All projects based in the EU by law have to have both a delete account option and can only share data with an opt in.
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ProfileJan Henrik

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Message 106388 - Posted: 11 Dec 2021, 13:08:59 UTC - in response to Message 106370.  

Thank You for the detailed Input.

If Jord doesn't kill me, I've put my .sig on this.

In this case your sig supports the answer to my question, so he should kill me then.

CPDN will set the delete flag automagically after a long enough period of inactivity.

interesting third option (and I like the "automagically")

So, due to projects that no longer exist and users that abandoned their accounts, all stats-sites are hosting zombie-data.

Since I only signed up for still existing projects so far, I now have 2 options to look at; one current and one more archival, however I feel. Great.
(still have my cake then. Do I deserve that? What's that gonna do to my character when or if I should ever grow up?)

BTW; some projects display a “connected projects” table, in my case MilkyWay@Home also read the output and is therefore current.

My thanks again for all the answers.

In my view this thread can be closed.(how does one do that?)
"less than a pixel"
ID: 106388 · Report as offensive
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Message 106389 - Posted: 11 Dec 2021, 14:03:05 UTC - in response to Message 106388.  

Hit the tiny red box with an "X" in it next to the reply button and ask a moderator to lock the thread
ID: 106389 · Report as offensive

Message boards : The Lounge : delete . . . and create 3 Universes

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