Thread 'Microsoft making it easier to switch to Linux or Mac'

Message boards : The Lounge : Microsoft making it easier to switch to Linux or Mac
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ProfileJoseph Stateson
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Joined: 27 Jun 08
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United States
Message 91551 - Posted: 19 May 2019, 17:08:14 UTC

Last Tuesday major update from Micro$oft, KB449441 seems to have enabled rollover advertising. It took effect Friday morning when I discovered my 24/7 system had rebooted. First thing I noticed was Edge had really different background and the settings are different with "advanced setting" not listed (it is an icon now)

The big push to Linux started when I tried looking for a fix for a problem I had with the AMD forum registration. When I moved the mouse to click on the topic I wanted I happened to move the mouse over three advertisements. Each of those advertisements posted a full page on the tab line of Edge. When I went to close those windows I found those 3 had posted a second time as I had moved the mouse over the ads on the way to close those tabs. I got with microsoft support who advise me to repair Edge. That didn't work but replacing my "host' table with list of bad guys seems to have fixed the problem although I do see a lot of white space.

I finally found out the problem with the AMD forum registration. They requires you to actually read their "limitation" but don't tell you it has to be done. Even the MicroSoft support MVP failed to realize the problem and fell for the trap as I did.
ID: 91551 · Report as offensive

Message boards : The Lounge : Microsoft making it easier to switch to Linux or Mac

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