Thread 'Nvidia 2 way SLI Gpu(s) - No Load'

Message boards : GPUs : Nvidia 2 way SLI Gpu(s) - No Load
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Joined: 26 Nov 17
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Message 83223 - Posted: 26 Nov 2017, 2:27:19 UTC

Hello Boinc community. I recently signed up last night via Prime Grid. I noticed their are GPU options available in the settings. However, while running the workload I noticed only my CPU is performing calculation task(s).

Is there an issue with using SLI configurations or do i need to configure something more specific?

SLI Gpus: Nvidia 970 x2.

PS. There is also the iGPU (integrated via on the i4770K chip which is also not under any load while running task(s)).

Please advise.

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Message 83347 - Posted: 28 Nov 2017, 22:17:14 UTC - in response to Message 83223.  

1st check the Primegrid project preferences that you have GPU work enabled for the application you want. Some apps have work for both CPUs and GPUs, others only CPUs.

2nd - You'll need to make a text file called cc_config.xml and place it into the BOINC ProgramData directory. Inside add this text to the file to use both GPUs. Restart the boinc client. Check the event log and at the top it should mention GPU 0 and a GPU 1 for both of your GPUs. W/o cc_config it will mention about BOINC not configured to use an available GPU. Nearly all GPU projects will run a task per GPU and not share the task between GPUs.


3 - There are some options to use the GPU while the computer is in use in the Boinc Manager settings.

4 - PrimeGrid does not have an app for iGPU. Most projects do not. SETI and Einstein@Home are two that come to mind.
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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 83348 - Posted: 28 Nov 2017, 22:53:12 UTC

1) SLI cards should compute automatically as two separate devices, no need to change configuration.

2) No need for <use_all_gpus> either, because SLI should only be used with two identical cards - BOINC will use both automatically.

3) Only downside of SLI is that the card speeds will be locked together, so both will run at the speed of the slower (usually the hotter one).

Checking project preferences is the first thing to try.
ID: 83348 · Report as offensive

Message boards : GPUs : Nvidia 2 way SLI Gpu(s) - No Load

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