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ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 85157 - Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 19:26:26 UTC
Last modified: 13 Mar 2018, 20:18:07 UTC

what's next if President Donald Trump cancells NAFTA? President Donald Trump has allready hit Canada with heavy inport taxes on our lumber products, which they say will raise the averge cost of building a home in the us to approx $1500.00 American dollars, also Canada was warned by Donald Trump not to retaliate or else. some people have already been laid off in our local saw mills. I think the stats show that over all the USA sell 5 Billion us dollars more in goods and services to My country Canada then Canada sells to the USA? Our Prime Minister Trudeau tried to point this out to Trump but Trump would not listen? if donald trump cancells NAFTA will it hurt Canada (my Country) and Mexico. i don't maybe President Donald Trump is correct?

Nov 14, 2017 - In August, Donald Trump tweeted that Canada and Mexico were “being very difficult” in the negotiations. “May have to terminate?” It's a threat the President has repeated on multiple occasions, having at various times called NAFTA the “worst trade deal in the history of the world” and “the greatest disaster ...

[edit for spelling]
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Sirius B

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Message 85158 - Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 19:29:40 UTC - in response to Message 85132.  

Your time would be better spent campaigning for...

More police on the ground
Tougher laws/enforcement of those who thieve from the taxpayers
Tougher sentences for groomers/paedophiles
Tougher prosecution of public utilities companies that use offshore accounts
Tougher laws/rules & Regulations for those whose slack decisions/oversight lead to disasters such as Grenfell Tower
Make it illegal for HMRC to do "deals" with companies that owe tax

...rather than campaign for your pet hates.
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Mark Stevenson

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Message 85159 - Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 19:38:06 UTC - in response to Message 85158.  
Last modified: 13 Mar 2018, 19:41:28 UTC

Sorry Chris but have to agree with Sirius's list there , hate to say it but your " idea " is a non starter coz MP's wouldn't " back " it even if they agreed coz they are too afraid of loosing votes and loosing their jobs over it and all the bleeding heart lib lefty's in this country would be up in arms about " persecution " of religion or some other P.C drivel .
If I didn't know you I'd think your post was a bit " Britain first " and " UKIP " to be honest Chris
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Sirius B

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Message 85162 - Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 20:06:12 UTC - in response to Message 85159.  

If I didn't know you I'd think your post was a bit " Britain first " and " UKIP " to be honest Chris
That's always been the impression he's given albeit with a healthy dose of liberalism thrown in :-)
And the British government hasn't got the guts to deal with it.
Whenever I & others brought that up, the labelling & screams heard were somewhat loud.

It seems that "little break" made him realise that his views were wrong.

Either that or...
ID: 85162 · Report as offensive
ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 85164 - Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 20:24:42 UTC - in response to Message 85142.  
Last modified: 13 Mar 2018, 20:25:46 UTC

Did anyone notice the replacement at CIA ran a torture prison?

torture is wrong.
can President Donald Trump bring back torture?

[edit] for spelling
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Sirius B

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Message 85165 - Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 20:28:55 UTC - in response to Message 85164.  

He already did by signing an Executive Order in January 2018 to keep Guantanamo Bay open.
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ProfileGary Charpentier

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Message 85166 - Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 20:33:38 UTC - in response to Message 85164.  

Did anyone notice the replacement at CIA ran a torture prison?

torture is wrong.
can President Donald Trump bring back torture?

[edit] for spelling

He will order his lawyers to write memos saying is it in line with the Constitution and then he will implement it. He is sure he won't be hauled into the Hague for a war crimes trial.
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ProfileGary Charpentier

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Message 85169 - Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 21:12:41 UTC

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ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 85170 - Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 21:16:20 UTC - in response to Message 85169.  

Good one Gary.
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Sirius B

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Message 85175 - Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 22:08:49 UTC
Last modified: 13 Mar 2018, 22:21:10 UTC

Something more worthwhile to campaign for rather than Halal/Kosher food

My views have been made known on social media so not needed here.

However, it does involve a well known tool - A finely honed Garden Shears. :-)

Tougher sentences for groomers/paedophiles
Unfortunately, for that to happen, ALL BHL's at the top require removal
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Message 85176 - Posted: 13 Mar 2018, 22:09:13 UTC - in response to Message 85170.  

Good one Gary.
+ a lot

It's lovely to see you, Byron :)
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ProfileByron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl ...

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Message 85183 - Posted: 14 Mar 2018, 3:25:32 UTC - in response to Message 85176.  

It's lovely to see you, Byron :)

Dear Anniet,
thank you so much,
so nice to see you too,
Best Wishes,
ID: 85183 · Report as offensive
Mark Stevenson

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Message 85197 - Posted: 14 Mar 2018, 10:31:14 UTC - in response to Message 85190.  
Last modified: 14 Mar 2018, 10:32:56 UTC

Nice list there Chris but
Tougher sentences for those reported to the police (3 times) for making racist remarks to ethnic communities

That works BOTH ways , what's good enough for the goose is good enough for the gander as the saying goes , " we " cant slag off / abuse them but the same goes for " them " to " us " wouldn't you agree ?
Worth reminding people with a minimal grasp of English, that in that context "liberal" has nothing to do with the Liberal Democrat political party.

Hope you're not meaning me there coz I know the difference , I ment people who think that twot Corbyn is the 2nd fecking coming and massage his prostate and think the sun shines out of the commie IRA loving toss#ers poopshoot , and other such people .
Tougher motoring laws for HGV drivers who brag publicly about running down politicians in their lorries.

Just HGV drivers?? I think that should apply to everyone who uses a motorised vechicle , motorbike , car , HGV etc and not just that the polititions should tighten up the laws ,like drink drivers should loose their licences for LIFE if they are convicted , same for TWOKERS , dangerous / careless / reckless drivers .
edit coz missed this bit
UKIP? Hehehehehe. The Upstart Kookheads of Irrelevent People party. led by Auntie Nigel, sub-titled the Beer 'n baccy party. Party?? Trouble is they coulln't organise a piss up in a brewery!

Bet they could organise a right good piss up , might be the only thing they can do but nothing wrong with a piss up every now and then is there ;-)
ID: 85197 · Report as offensive
Sirius B

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Message 85201 - Posted: 14 Mar 2018, 14:47:21 UTC

noun: xenophobia
dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.

noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Psychopathy, sometimes considered synonymous with sociopathy, is traditionally defined as a personality disorder characterized by persistent antisocial behaviour, impaired empathy, impaired remorse, bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits.
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ProfileGary Charpentier

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Message 85215 - Posted: 15 Mar 2018, 4:12:41 UTC - in response to Message 85212.  

Tougher sentences for those reported to the police (3 times) for making racist remarks to ethnic communities

That works BOTH ways , what's good enough for the goose is good enough for the gander as the saying goes , " we " cant slag off / abuse them but the same goes for " them " to " us " wouldn't you agree ?

Yes I would agree. But it never has been like that has it. There shouldn't be a them and us, we should all be together for the same country.
A Borg collective or DPRK. Got it.

But the problem is that ethnic communities have the law slanted in their favour. They choose to populate certain areas 100% and continue their own religious practices.some of which are illegal in the UK. If anyone complains they cite the race relations act, and they always win.
Like tham thar that came over the pond and stayed in little enclaves because they could understand each other. Its only an issue when society won't let them integrate becuase they point fingers at them and slum lords red line them.

Tougher motoring laws for HGV drivers who brag publicly about running down politicians in their lorries.

Just HGV drivers?? I think that should apply to everyone who uses a motorised vechicle , motorbike , car , HGV etc. and not just that, the polititions should tighten up the laws ,like drink drivers should loose their licences for LIFE if they are convicted , same for TWOKERS , dangerous / careless / reckless drivers .

I think you're close to mixing up two issues there. The first is where HGV drivers show by public statements that they do not have the right mindset to be behind the wheel of a large HGV lorry.
They have done no such thing. They are expressing disgust at the political powers and that should be their right.

Now actually driving at a politician, yes, that crosses the line. Otherwise, 50,000 dead politicians is a good start.

The second is tighter laws for EVERYONE on the road. But the thing is how do you police it? There are laws abut using hand held phones whilst driving a vehicle. 90% of the country does it all the time, but how many get taken to court? In the USA the police can subpoena a mobile phone company to confirm whether a customer was on the phone at the time of the accident. We need that in the UK.

Bet they could organise a right good piss up , might be the only thing they can do but nothing wrong with a piss up every now and then is there ;-)

I'll agree to disagree there. Everyone likes a party but running a country is or should be a serious business. Screaming Lord Sutch' Monster Raving Looney party had more credibility.

Running a country is serious business. If anyone was serious about it, there would not be this filthy animal called a politician. There would be statesmen however and every law would address all concerns from all sides in compromise.
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Mark Stevenson

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Message 85221 - Posted: 15 Mar 2018, 10:29:17 UTC - in response to Message 85219.  

DPRK and Russia are both communist states where you do as you are told and vote at the point of a soldiers gun. The Borg were under mind control not so much physical control.

Think some might just say the underlined part could apply to certain western countries , this one included before anyone says anything ;-).
In the UK all Asian communities refuse to integrate into British life, and make no effort to learn the language. They are quite happy making whole cities and metropolitan areaa no go areas for white people. FGM, arranged marriages, Hala, Kosher, boiling dogs and cats, no rights for women, it all goes on. They are forced to apply for postal posts so their religious leaders can manipulate the vote. The Government won't stop it because they know their will be race riots on the streets of Britain,

bit harsh saying " All " ain't it Chris ?? I don't know about places like Birmingham , Leeds , Luton to name a few places that have a large ethnic communities . Round here where I live in Suffolk there's Asain / Indian people who have lived around here for at least the last 30 years and there's no problems , yea they have their culture and religion but it don't stop the community integrating and getting along together .
The problem starts where people / communities try and force their rules , I've visited other countrys and you go by their customs and laws , so why the fu#k should it be any different for people who want to live here ??
ID: 85221 · Report as offensive
Bernie Vine
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Message 85223 - Posted: 15 Mar 2018, 10:58:23 UTC
Last modified: 15 Mar 2018, 11:53:39 UTC

Personally I think we should re-name New York back to New Amsterdam again. I object to one of England's most famous cities being associated with the kind of country America is today.

Well perhaps they would agree seeing "the kind of country America the UK is today"

In the UK all Asian communities refuse to integrate into British life, and make no effort to learn the language. They are quite happy making whole cities and metropolitan areaa no go areas for white people. FGM, arranged marriages, Hala, Kosher, boiling dogs and cats, no rights for women, it all goes on. They are forced to apply for postal posts so their religious leaders can manipulate the vote. The Government won't stop it because they know their will be race riots on the streets of Britain,

Have to say that is one of the most anti Asian post I think I have ever seen. Strong echoes of the vile "Britain First" party.

I chat via email and PM to my real friends, sparring on the forums with people you don't like is just a waste of time. They might not have a real life, I do.

But you continue to do so leading to the conclusion you perhaps cannot stop.
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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 85224 - Posted: 15 Mar 2018, 11:49:28 UTC - in response to Message 85223.  

In the UK all Asian communities refuse to integrate into British life, and make no effort to learn the language. They are quite happy making whole cities and metropolitan areaa no go areas for white people. FGM, arranged marriages, Hala, Kosher, boiling dogs and cats, no rights for women, it all goes on. They are forced to apply for postal posts so their religious leaders can manipulate the vote. The Government won't stop it because they know their will be race riots on the streets of Britain,
Have to say that is one of the most ante Asian post I think I have ever seen. Strong echoes of the vile "Britain First" party.
And in my experience, demonstrably false.

I've lived and worked around one of the UK's most stereotypically 'Asian' cities - Bradford - for over 40 years. For 20 of those years, I worked as a freelance computer consultant, and did work inside several Asian businesses - solicitors, spice warehouse, bakery, mobile phone warehouse, disability charity. I don't speak any Asian languages: they all spoke my language. There were no communication difficulties at all. Although I was mainly contracted by 'middle class' owners and managers (maybe this is the perspective missing from the quoted post), I also had to work with spice rack loaders, bakers, and other working-class shop floor workers while debugging the programs I'd written for them. Again, no lack of English at that level either, although they - unlike me - were multilingual.

Asian communities, like all communities, are mixed and varied. They contain the greedy and the generous, the good, the bad, and the ugly. When those individual quirks and differences are swept up in the generalisation "All Asians ...", there's only one word for it: racism.
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Message 85225 - Posted: 15 Mar 2018, 11:53:42 UTC

Please keep racial slurs out of the discussion. If you feel you need to say something about it do so on a personal title, by stating for instance "I feel that... etc."
But else "No abusive messages involving race, religion, nationality, gender, class or sexuality."
ID: 85225 · Report as offensive
Mark Stevenson

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Message 85244 - Posted: 15 Mar 2018, 17:46:59 UTC - in response to Message 85243.  

Couldn't tell you that answer but like most " groups " they cherrypick the parts they want , like what ISIS does with Islam , and to be honest the Bible is just a collection of stories a group of people chose to be in there for their own motives , there's plenty more Christian texts that weren't included cos they didn't say what they wanted like Mary Magdelane for one . I ain't religious in the slightest but I know that's a fact . ( even if some people don't like it )
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